Kurdish and Indian women in Stuttgart say "stop femicides"

Gulistan Tara, Hêro Bahadîn and Dr. Moumita Debnath were commemorated in Stuttgart.

The drone attack by the Turkish state that killed journalists in South Kurdistan was protested in Stuttgart.

The protest rally was jointly organized by the Kurdish Women's Movement in Europe (TJK-E) and women from India. The rally, called "Stop the Massacres of Women in India, Iran, Turkey and the entire world", began at Schlossplatz Square, and saw the participation of Courage Women representatives.

Activists paid tribute to journalists Gulistan Tara and Hêro Bahadîn, who were killed in Sulaymaniyah (Silêmanî) on 23 August, and Dr. Moumita Debnath, who was raped and murdered in India, and a universal women's solidarity call was made against femicides.

Speeches were made at the rally, and lamentation music was played.