Men killed at least 337 women in 2022

To mark International Working Women's day, bianet recalled that men killed at least 327 in 2022.

According to the data compiled by bianet from the news reported in the local, national, and online press, men killed at least 337 women in 2022.

The number of women killed by men in 2022 was 327. If 14 femicides, committed in the past years, but reported in the press in 2022, are added to this number, the number becomes 341. Some of these 14 femicides had been reported in the news as "unidentified murders" or "suspicious deaths" in previous years.

In the same period (January 1, 2022 - December 31, 2022), men killed 39 children, raped 32 women, forced 442 women to sex work, harassed 156 women, and abused 238 children in Turkey. Men injured 793 women.

The deaths of at least 198 women, including trans women, were reported in the news as "suspicious" in 2022.

In 2022, men attempted to kill at least 12 women and threatened 42 women with killing or inflicting violence on them.