Sakine, Fidan and Leyla to be commemorated in Bologna

A march will be organized to pay tribute to Kurdish women revolutionaries Sakine Cansız, Fidan Doğan and Leyla Şaylemez in the Italian city of Bologna.

A march to pay tribute to Sakine Cansız, Fidan Doğan and Leyla Şaylemez, who were murdered in Paris on 9 January 2013, will be organised in Bologna on Saturday 11 January.

The march is organized by UII Onlus, Rete Kurdistan, Jineoloji Italia, Rete Jin and Non Una Di Meno and is supported by trade unions and civil society organisations.

The organisers underlined in their call that Turkey attacks against Rojava are primarily an attack on the women's revolution. 

"A system based on women's freedom and self-defense was established in Rojava, thus proving that it is possible to build a new society and eliminate patriarchy," said the call, adding that this is why Rojava is being targeted.

As well as paying tribute to the three Kurdish revolutionaries murdered in Paris, the organisers will also commemorate Syrian Future Party co-chair Hevrin Xelef and YPJ fighter Amara Gunes who were murdered during the occupation attacks carried out by Turkey in Rojava.

"We take strength and courage from the example of women in the struggle. - said the call - It is time to spread solidarity."

The march will take place in Bologna on Saturday 11 January in Piazza XX Settembre. Jineoloji Italy and Non Una Di Meno members will perform a special arrangement of Las Tesis, Un violador en tu camino.