TekoJIN ends national conference in Kassel

The TekoJIN movement discussed the situation of young women and planned its further activities at a nationwide conference in Kassel.

TekoJIN (Tevgera Jinên Ciwanên Têkoşer, Movement of Young Fighting Women), founded in 2020 as a movement of young Kurdish women and internationalists in Europe, held a conference in Kassel on Saturday. Young women from all over Germany took part in the conference under the motto "Jin Jiyan Azadî - Serbixe Azadî".

After a welcome from TekoJIN activist Berjîn Güneş, Evîn Serhed spoke as a guest speaker on behalf of the Kurdish Women's Movement in Europe (TJK-E) about the importance of self-defense for young women.

The speeches were followed by greetings from Rojava and Colombia. In the message of the association of young women in Rojava, Bêrîtan Yusuf said that women are organizing themselves in all areas of life and that the Rojava revolution is based on the paradigm of Abdullah Öcalan. Other speeches addressed the current political situation and the situation of young women.

Zîlan Mêrdîn reported on the activities of the past year and said that TekoJIN is fighting for the freedom of women and peoples with an internationalist approach.

At the conference, nine women were elected as coordinators of TekoJIN in Germany. Among the next activities, a camp for young women will take place in August.

The final declaration reads as follows:

Önder [President] Abdullah Öcalan:

• TekoJIN will place Önder Öcalan's physical freedom at the center of all its work.

 • TekoJIN will lead the "Freedom for Leader Öcalan and Democratic Solution to the Kurdish Question" initiative and will take part in the initiative committee.

 • In order to develop commitment to Önder Öcalan's ideology, TekoJIN Germany will focus on reading his books and analysis. For this purpose, reading groups will be formed wherever TekoJIN committees, communes and initiatives exist, and efforts will be carried out to form these groups in places where there are none.

 • Awareness raising activities (seminars, forums, events, etc.) about the situation of the Leader and the conspiracy will be held in October.

 • Young women and Leadership workshops will be held in the regions of Germany (South, North and Central) until the end of January.

Building and organizing:

 • Construction work, especially the commune, will be handled as a collective life model.

 • Unique and special places will be built to reach non-political young women.

 • All TekoJIN's work will be based on culture and emphasis will be placed on organizing young women who will take part in cultural activities.

 • TekoJIN committees will be formed in designated places until the TekoJIN congress, and meetings and events for construction works will continue.

 • Young women's communes will be built in designated locations until the TekoJIN congress.

 • A system will be created for magazine distribution.

 • Cooperative work will begin.

• Until the end of the year, workshops will be held with Alevi young women in South Germany and workshops with Yazidi young women in Northern and Central Germany.

 • New and creative methods will be found to recognize and organize young women, and new work will be started on the streets for this purpose.

 • As TekoJIN, September and October will be considered as a move to organize young student women.


 • Within the framework of the "Jin Jiyan Azadî - Serbixe Azadî" initiative, training (home training, seminars, reading analysis by the Leader etc.) will be organized every two months, according to the specificity and needs of the field, especially in the fields of self-defense, culture, revolutionary morality and special war issues.

 • A young women's camp will be held in August.

 • Awareness raising activities in the form of seminars on digital media and workshops with young women and women's assemblies will be organized on sexism and special war issues.

 • A panel will be held together with TCŞ in areas on combating sexism.

 • JXK academy will open in the autumn.


 • Strong participation in the protests of 9 October, 25 November, Paris massacre, 15 February and 8 March will be organized, and original actions will be organized where power and identity will come to the fore.

 • A mass march will take place after the TekoJIN congress.

 • There will be a week of action between 4-7 July for Leader Öcalan's physical freedom.