The growing struggle of women in Rojava – III

In North-East Syria, every house has become a women's organization centre in 12 years, and moreover, men have been given education on women's freedom.

Kongra Star Spokeswoman Remziye Mihemed who has played an active role in the activities of Yekîtiya Star since its establishment, and PYD General Assembly Foreign Relations Department Member Aîfe Bekîr spoke to ANF about the 12-year organizational process of Yekîtiya Star, which has achieved many important accomplishments in the region for 12 years, from education to justice, from economy to cooperative work.


Kongra Star Spokeswoman Remziye Mihemed stated that they expanded their organization by carrying out activities clandestinely under the pressure of the Baath regime. She said: “The congress was held every two years. The 2nd Congress was held in the Enize village of Qamishlo, and the next ones in Aleppo and in Afrin. It was important to organize meetings for the formation of women's power, organization, willpower and self-education. We have succeeded in being a model for all women's organizations and all other peoples. We showed everyone that they could form their own unique organizations.”


Remziye Mihemed pointed out that those who played a leading role in this struggle were constantly targeted.  She continued: “We created the existence of women in this revolution. Attacks and conspiracies against us are increasing, targeting our friends and our administrators. They seek to weaken the will of women. However, we see that women's struggle and organization are gaining prominence in all areas of life. Kurdish women have been able to play a major role in the revolution through their organization and presence. They could play a major role by taking part in all assemblies and committees. We lost thousands of martyrs. Our Euphrates Region Coordination was targeted. All this clearly demonstrates that our struggle has accomplished a result and disturbed the ruling mindset."


Mihemed emphasized that this situation could be better seen in the ISIS attacks. She underlined that despite all the attacks, they continued to expand their organization: “When there were attacks on Kurdish cities, Kurdish women showed everyone how they organized themselves and confronted these attacks and ISIS atrocities. Women from all the folks in the region were inspired by this and formed their own unique organization. They took part in all assemblies, committees and organizations. We were able to play a major role in the region with the co-presidency system. Women have seen that when they are organized and educated, they can stand against all attacks and atrocities and lead their activities to victory.”


Aîfe Bekîr pointed out that they expanded their work by promoting the concepts of free women, free society and equality. She said: “At Yekîtiya Star's 2nd Congress, we decided to include not only Kurdish women but also women from all other peoples in our work and organization. We concluded that women should fight for their freedom wherever they are, based on the concepts of free women, free society and equality. We made a lot of decisions based on the freedom of society and women.

Noting that the whole process was carried out under the seal of secrecy, Bekîr added: “The 3rd congress was held in Kefer Sixîre in 2009. Many decisions were taken during this congress. The process was very difficult in the beginning, but it grew easier in time. There were no institutions back then. Activities were carried out in houses. When we had a meeting, we held it clandestinely. It was a very difficult process. Organizational activities, which had been carried out in houses once, were now carried out through dozens of women's organizations in all fields of the revolution.”