‘The YPJ's presence in the region gives women confidence’

Stating that the Damascus government and the Turkish state are behind the attacks on Deir ez-Zor, YPJ Hajin Province Commander Axin Qamişlo stated that the YPJ’s presence in the region gives confidence to women.

Axin Qamişlo, YPJ (Woman’s Defense Units) Commander for Hajin province of Deir ez-Zor Canton, spoke to ANF about the attacks against Deir ez-Zor by Damascus government forces and Difa al-Watani groups on 7 July, the reaction of the people against this attack and the interest of Deir ez-Zor women in the YPJ.

Axin Qamişlo said that the only aim of the attacks carried out by the Damascus government forces, some regional states and Difa al-Watani groups on 7 July was to cause turmoil in the region and to break the people's faith in the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF). “There have been violent attacks against Deir ez-Zor since 2014. In 2014, a great massacre took place against the Shiêtat. Then, the SDF intervened and dealt great blows to the enemy. Similarly, gangs had settled in Bahoz and the SDF dealt the last blow to ISIS there. Since then, the attacks on the Deir ez-Zor region have not stopped. They launched a major attack on 7 July, at 04:00 in the morning. Just before the aggression, they had already announced the launch of an attack. They had prepared extensively. They had prepared themselves for a very comprehensive attack both from outside and inside. They were prepared for a major attack from outside, through the sleeper cells inside.

However, these attacks did not last long because our forces responded strongly and their attacks were frustrated in a few days. Civilian areas were targeted by the forces loyal to the Damascus government. In particular, the city of Dehla was heavily targeted by the Damascus government. They attacked Abu Hamam extensively with heavy weapons. Here as well, civilian areas were targeted. Civilians were martyred or injured and their houses were damaged. However, the people did not step back. They did not hesitate even once in their support for the SDF, because the people here have now recognised the reality of the enemy. They have realised that those forces only work for their own interests and never think about the interests of the people. Therefore, they no longer trust the propaganda and policies of those forces in any way.”

Axin Qamişlo emphasised that the gangs captured in the operations against sleeper cells confessed that it was the Damascus government and the Turkish state who organised them and provided them with logistical and ammunition support: “The attacks were not only carried out by some gang groups. Behind the scenes of these attacks are some regional states, the Turkish state and especially the Damascus government. Here, the Turkish state in particular has comprehensive calculations. They want to cause turmoil in the region and break the people's trust in the SDF. However, all these calculations of theirs failed. The people of Deir ez-Zor continued to stand by and support the SDF.

In some places, people even took up arms and joined the fighters. There were civilians who came and stood guard at the positions. There were major attacks against the people and civilian settlements. In this way, they sought to provoke the people against the SDF and, at the same time, they wanted the people to leave their places. They attacked the people with mortars, howitzers and other heavy weapons, but the people did not take a single step back. They have been making propaganda for several days that Abu Hamam has been evacuated. But now we are in Abu Hamam and the people continue their normal life. Even civilians whose houses were targeted come and ask for help from the SDF. The SDF is both helping those whose houses were damaged and getting rid of the mortars that fell on houses and did not explode.

There is a group that introduces themselves as tribal forces. However, neither the people here nor the tribes accept these groups. The people do not accept them and even want to expel them. These groups are mercenaries organised by Difa al-Watani, the Damascus government and other forces. The attacks were mostly directed against Abu Hamam and Qiranîç. Because the gangs had sleeper cells here, so they started especially from here. In this way, they meant to mobilise their cells. But they failed. Our forces carried out some operations, during which members of many sleeper cells were caught. The captured cell members have already confessed some things. In their confessions, they admitted that it was some regional states, the Damascus government and the Turkish state that organised them, supported them and provided them with ammunition and logistics.”

Axin Qamişlo noted that the women of Deir ez-Zor see the YPJ as a hope for themselves and that they want to take part in the YPJ and wage the women's struggle there: “This region has a feudal social structure and ISIS spread its mentality here for a few years. There was great pressure on women. Women were left without will and pushed out of life as a whole. Deir ez-Zor also has a deep-rooted tribal structure. There is also a reality that has always kept women in the background, that has always seen women as separate from men and has always belittled them. However, since the liberation of the region from ISIS, women here have made significant progress. They now have their own organisations and unique institutions. There is the Zenobiya women's union. Women are trying to organise under this union and exist in all areas of life. The presence of YPJ in the region gives women here a particular confidence.

When the YPJ visits families, they are welcomed with great love and enthusiasm. Women share their enthusiasm with us. They tell us, ‘YPJ is the key that opens the way for us.’ Women come and join the YPJ. Even after this last attack, some women joined the YPJ, saying that they want to take part in the YPJ and fight for women's struggle here. The strong stance of the YPJ gives them hope. After our arrival in this area, mothers and women come to us and complain about what their husbands and the men in their families do to them. They ask us for help. They don't accept certain things anymore. When men use violence or oppression against them, they react directly. They come and share these issues with the YPJ. There are women who state that the YPJ will protect them against men and that they are no longer afraid of men. Women want to create change not only for themselves but also in their society. For this reason, they state that they can do this through the YPJ and its power. They state that the YPJ is hope for them and, thanks to this hope, they feel much safer in life.

Finally, I would like to state the following; as YPJ and SDF fighters, we will be behind the people of Deir ez-Zor until the end. We will continue to protect them against all kinds of attacks. Especially for the women of Deir ez-Zor, we will do everything we can as the YPJ. We are ready to make all kinds of struggles and sacrifices to overcome the difficulties they face. As the YPJ, we have fought against the dark mentality of ISIS, and we still continue to fight and struggle against the same mentality. Our struggle will continue until we liberate all women from this mentality and tyranny.”