TJK-E calls on women to attend action for Öcalan in Strasbourg tomorrow

TJK-E called to attend the action to be held in Strasbourg tomorrow, 15 May, to demand freedom for Öcalan.

In a written statement, the European Kurdish Women's Movement (TJK-E), called on everyone to attend the action to be held tomorrow, 15 May, to demand freedom for Abdullah Ocalan.

The statement said: "We are in the 26th year of the international conspiracy against the Kurdish people in the person of Leader Abdullah Öcalan. The forces that carried out the 9 October [1998] conspiracy aimed to liquidate the Kurdistan freedom movement and the struggle for freedom and equality in the Middle East, but they failed. On the contrary, the conspirators have been defeated, the struggle for freedom has grown even more and become a hope for the whole world. The historical resistance of Leader Apo [Abdullah Öcalan] and the resistance of the people of Kurdistan have foiled this attempt. We once again condemn the most brutal and inhumane conspiracy in human history with great hatred. Once again, we remember with respect and gratitude the heroes who fought, resisted and were martyred."

The statement underlined that "the Democratic and Free Life paradigm developed by Leader Apo has become a hope for the people of the Middle East and the world, especially the people of Kurdistan" and added: "The democratization of Turkey and the Middle East has been the only option that improves the libertarian and egalitarian common life of women and the solution of problems. The fact that this philosophy is gaining greater sympathy day by day has disturbed the fascist Turkish state and the rulers. For this reason, a comprehensive attack and absolute isolation are being implemented."

'Today is the day to increase the struggle and go to victory'

The statement added: "The absolute isolation and attacks against Leader Apo are an attack against all Kurdish people, women and humanity. The silence of all international institutions, especially the CPT, causes the AKP-MHP fascist government to deepen these policies. The silence of international institutions makes them partners in this crime. The only way for women, Kurdish people, young people, and everyone who supports human values is to expand the fight against fascism and pave the way to victory. The most productive and meaningful way to achieve this is to unite around Leader Apo. This is the day to mobilize for the freedom of Leader Apo, to support the resisting guerrilla, and to be worthy of the memories of those who sacrificed by saying 'You Cannot Darken Our Sun'. Today is the day to ensure the success of millions of people who shouted the slogan 'Jin, Jiyan, Azadi'."

In this sense, said TJK-E, "the 'Freedom for Abdullah Öcalan - Political solution to the Kurdish Question' campaign, which was launched on 10 October 2023, continues to grow. The struggle of the women who filled the streets on 8 March, the fire of freedom raised by the Kurds in Newroz, and the great revolutionary popular resistance in North Kurdistan with the 31 March local elections and our people's support for the Leadership initiative was shown magnificently. As the European Kurdish Women's Movement, we call on the CPT to fulfill its duties and responsibilities in a letter sent by the international campaign. The letter to the CPT campaign started on 19 April and asked it to immediately and independently visit Imrali to see the conditions of Leader Apo. Our actions will continue until the CPT fulfills its duty.

This is why the TJK-E will organize an action in Strasbourg on 15 May. Our action will be an expression of our insistence on Leader Apo's freedom, especially against NATO and its member European countries, and against the genocidal operations that Erdoğan wants to develop. On this basis, we call on all women to join us in Strasbourg."