TJK-E: Jina Amini will not be forgotten!

Two years after the death of Jina Mahsa Amini in Iran, various actions will be held in Europe in solidarity with the "Jin Jiyan Azadî" movement. The Kurdish women's movement TJK-E is fighting against the execution of other activists.

16 September marks the second anniversary of the death of Jina Mahsa Amini. The death of the 22-year-old Kurdish woman after her arrest by the Iranian morality police in Tehran sparked a nationwide revolt against the mullah regime. Young women in particular took their anger to the streets with the slogan "Jin Jiyan Azadî - Woman Life Freedom".

The Kurdish Women's Movement in Europe (TJK-E) is using this occasion to draw attention to the impending execution of activists in Iran and is calling for the abolition of the death penalty and the freedom of all political prisoners. In the coming days, various actions will also be held in Europe in solidarity with the "Jin Jiyan Azadî" movement.

The TJK-E said in a statement: "What began with the murder of Jina Mahsa Amini by the Iranian regime has shaken the country and sparked a movement that extends far beyond Iran's borders. At the heart of this movement are the courageous women who are fighting against gender discrimination, oppression and the compulsion to wear the hijab. Their struggle aims to create a society in which freedom, equality and justice apply to all people. The strikes and protests by workers, teachers, students and many other social groups have spread nationwide. They are fighting for social justice, against the regime's repressive policies and for the right to a dignified life."

The statement added: "The mullah regime is responding to this with increasing severity. In order to break the growing solidarity among the population, the regime is increasingly relying on executions. More and more people are being sentenced to death and executed for their political resistance in order to create an atmosphere of fear. The death penalty is used as a tool to terrorize not only individuals but entire social movements.

In addition to executions, the mullah regime also resorts to other repressive measures. There is widespread torture in prisons, systematic suppression of freedom of expression and constant surveillance of activists. Women who resist the compulsory hijab are publicly humiliated, arrested or beaten. At the same time, the Iranian population suffers from massive corruption, economic stagnation and a catastrophic human rights situation. The regime uses violence to maintain its power while ignoring the country's social and economic problems."

The statement continued: "Despite this brutal oppression, the struggle for freedom and justice continues. The ‘Woman Live Freedom’ movement is not only an expression of resistance against the oppression of women, but a cry of protest from all the oppressed in Iran and around the world. It shows that the desire for freedom and equality is stronger than any repression. The memory of the victims of the uprising, of the thousands of political prisoners murdered by the regime and of all those who gave their lives in the fight for freedom over the past 45 years remains alive.

This movement is part of a global struggle for democracy, human rights and social justice. It unites people around the world in their quest for a better world in which discrimination, violence and oppression have no place. The death penalty must be abolished! Freedom for all political prisoners! Long live freedom, equality, democracy and social justice! Jin Jiyan Azadî!"