Women in Maxmur call for Kurdistan national unity

The women in Martyr Rustem Cudi Refugee Camp said in a letter that the process being experienced is not an ordinary process and it is important for all Kurds.

The letter said: “We, as Kurdish people, and especially Kurdish women, have to act in the interests of the Kurdish people at a time when there are attempts to redesign the Middle East.”

Reminding the artificial borders drawn 100 years ago, the women said: “We have paid heavy prices as Kurdish people in the last century, especially as Kurdish women, we have witnessed enormous difficulties.”

Pointing out that Turkey has mobilized all its power to achieve the destruction of Kurds by targeting all over Kurdistan, the women of Maxmur added: “The purpose of the Turkish state and all the occupiers in Kurdistan is not only to fight the PKK and the guerrillas, but to fight and destroy the entire Kurdish people.”
Reminding the attitude of the Turkish state against the independence referendum in South Kurdistan, the massacres in North Kurdistan and the hundreds of thousands of Kurds killed by the Saddam regime, the women of Maxmur continued: "The Iran regime continues to hang the Kurds today. We know that what happened to the Kurdish people is not due to the low heroism of the Kurds: The Kurdish people have a heroic history. However, as a nation, we could not achieve unity, work together and conduct politics to lay the foundations of the Kurdish nation.”

Underlining that residents of Maxmur have witnessed the persecution of the fascist Turkish state, the women also reminded the embargo and the difficulties caused by it for the past 10 months. "The intention of the Turkish government is to expand the borders of Turkey, as we all know."

The women of Maxmur continued: “Our country, Kurdistan, should not have witnessed thousands of years of occupation (...) The hope and expectation of us women from Kurdish people and political forces: Let us prevent the occupation with the unity of the Kurds and achieve the Kurdish people free identity. See all the calls made for the unity of the Kurdish people and act accordingly."

Pointing out that there was a positive response from the KCK to the call of Kurdish women, the women of Maxmur stated that however, there was no answer yet from many political Kurdish parties and forces and urged once again all political and social forces to come together on the basis of the interests of the Kurdish people and to liberate the lands of Kurdistan from the invaders. “Kurds are one, Kurdistan is one.”