Women in Raqqa plan actions for 25 November

After four years under DAESH occupation, women in Raqqa say no to violence against women on 25 November.

For the first time since its liberation from DAESH (ISIS) mercenaries, a year ago, women in Raqqa will be able to organise actions to mark the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, on 25 November.

Women began preparing a number of activities under the slogan “No to women’s slavery, our freedom is our honor”.

Among the initiatives was a seminar which took place in the Semra district of Raqqa.

Meryem El-Ebo and Xewla El-emsa on behalf of Women's Council made evaluations and comments on the latest developments in the region and about the situation of women.

The two women reminded how under DAESH occupation women were treated as object and despised. The need to stay alert and continue to struggle against violence against women was underlined.

The seminar ended after assessments by the participants.