Women protest against male violence in Amed

In Amed, women took to the streets to protest against male violence. Several women have been murdered in the Kurdish metropolis in recent weeks.

Answering the call of the Rosa women's association, TJA (Free Women's Movement) and other civil society organizations, a demonstration against male violence took place yesterday in the city of Amed (Diyarbakir).

The women marched behind a black banner without inscription. Signs carried along read: "We do not grieve, we rebel", "Murder is political" and "Love does not kill, love lets live".

Speeches called for an end to patriarchal rule, militarism, war, exploitation, sexism and violence, saying; "The system produces war and men produce violence. The social repressive mechanisms manifest themselves in misogyny and sexism. With a language of hate, society becomes polarized. Women are murdered in the street. How many times do we have to die? Anyone who is silent about violence against women acquiesces. Do not be silent, do make yourself a party to this!"

The demonstration was accompanied by a large police force and ended with a ten-minute sit-in.