"Ev der Heftanîn e" - New song by guerrilla band Awazê Çiya
The music group Awazê Çiya, consisting of guerrilla fighters, continues with their artistic work even in times of the most severe attacks on the Medya Defense Zones.
The music group Awazê Çiya, consisting of guerrilla fighters, continues with their artistic work even in times of the most severe attacks on the Medya Defense Zones.
While the Turkish army is attacking South Kurdistan in violation of international law, the music production of the guerrilla band Awazê Çiya ("Voice of the Mountains") continues uninterrupted. The music group has released the song "Ev der Heftanîn e" - "Here is Heftanîn" together with a video on Saturday.
The song was written in Kurdish by the band consisting of guerrilla fighters. It deals with the manifold resistance against the Turkish occupation attacks in Southern Kurdistan and is dedicated to the people, especially the people in Heftanîn and Sheladize (Şîladizê), and the guerrillas. The clip, produced under difficult conditions, shows scenes from the everyday life of the Kurdish freedom movement from this and last year, as well as pictures of the uprising from Sheladize and footage from Kobanê.
The inhabitants of the village Sheladize near the city of Amadiya (Amêdî) made headlines at the beginning of last year when they dared to revolt against the Turkish military presence in Southern Kurdistan. The background was the Turkish air raids on the region, which caused four deaths. As reaction, several people stormed the Turkish military base Sire located in Sheladize and set fire to vehicles, ammunition depots and armaments, including German military equipment. The soldiers of the base, who initially fled, fired into the crowd. A family man and a thirteen-year-old demonstrator were killed, six other people were injured, some of them seriously, by the attack.
The lyrics of "Ev der Heftanîn e" read
„Em xwedanên vê erdê ne
Siwariyên vê cengê ne
Zarên li navsera çiyê ne
Ey kelha evîndara
Xemla te ji pelkê dara
Singa te ji bêndera gela
Şax sîbera gerîla
Neyar ti car nabe yar
Li me Kurda ye bazar
Dagir dike ax û war
Rabe Kurdo bi hawar
Palevan werne palê
Biçinin berhema salê
Zebaniyên li deriyê malê
Têk bibin bi yek carê.”