Ecology Union convenes in Amed to determine the new line of struggle against ecocide

The Ecology Union convened in Amed to determine the new line of struggle against ecological destruction.



The Ecology Union formed by 86 ecological organisations convened in Amed (Diyarbakır) on Saturday to determine a new line of struggle against the ecological destruction caused by the AKP's construction, dam and mining contracts. Banners reading "Protect your nature, culture and history", "Unity, struggle, life", "Unity, struggle, solidarity against the exploitation of nature and labour" were unfurled at the ÇandAmed Conference Hall where the meeting is taking place. Peoples' Equality and Democracy Party (DEM Party) Ecology and Agriculture Commission Co-spokesperson Melis Tantan also attends the conference as a component. 

Speaking at the conference, Ecology Union Co-spokesperson Güner Yanlıç pointed to the events of the last two years and said, "We took to the streets from Akbelen to İkizköy and fought for ecology. Organising this conference in Amed this year is for the sake of seeing what has been happening here. In the last 20 years in Turkey, the ecological destruction of the AKP-MHP government has been increasing day by day. A holistic attack was carried out on living spaces. Wherever there is ecological destruction, resistance and a struggle has risen. As the Ecology Union, we were founded precisely to support those struggles. After today, the Ecology Union will carry the struggle forward faster and stronger." 

After the speech, the conference continued closed to the press.