Human chain against Kanal Istanbul Project in Kadıköy

The Either Canal or Istanbul Coordination organised a human chain with torches in Kadıköy to protest the AKP demolition project of Canal Istanbul, which would destroy the city memory for thousands of years.

The 'Either Canal or Istanbul Coordination' members organised a human chain with torches in front of Kadıköy Süreyya Opera to draw attention to the destruction caused by the Canal Istanbul Project imposed by the AKP.

Before the action, police checked the identity of the press members waiting at the meeting point.

HDP deputy Züleyha Gülüm and TIP deputy Erkan Baş joined the action under heavy police presence. 

There was occasional tension between the police and activists who said: "This is a project of demolition, looting and rent. We are asking as citizens who feel the earthquake threat at any moment and who are concerned about the lives of their loved ones who does this project really benefit?"

Activists pointed out that with this project, a handful of rich people will become richer while the city memory will be destroyed for thousands of years.

Reminding that this project will be financed from the taxes of the people, Melisa Akyürek, on behalf of the Coordination, said: "Let's say stop together to lies, pillage, demolition and Canal Istanbul. Let's defend the forest, the water, the air, the agricultural areas, the squirrels, the otters together."