Besê Hozat: The AKP-MHP regime must be overthrown

KCK Executive Council Co-Chair Besê Hozat said that the AKP-MHP government does not promise the peoples of Turkey anything but death, darkness and war, and added that the fascist regime must be overthrown.

Speaking in a special program on Medya Haber TV, KCK Executive Council Co-Chair Besê Hozat pointed out that the AKP-MHP lists include hitmen and Kurdish enemies, and added that this government must be overthrown.

Hozat said that the Nation Alliance does not have a democratic project, and added: “Turkey's future lies in the Labor and Freedom Alliance. The main force that will democratize Turkey, build a democratic republic, and provide a democratic solution to the Kurdish question, is the Labor and Freedom Alliance.

Here are the main remarks by Besê Hozat.

“Erdoğan is conducting his entire election policy based on hostility towards the Kurdish people”

Hozat said: "These elections are really very important. If this fascist government wins the elections, the genocidal fascist policies will be legitimized and perpetuated. In this case, this fascist regime will be institutionalized. Then, the MHP will continue and intensify this genocidal policy. Therefore, this fascist government must not win these elections. It is already doing everything to win. But it has only one thing left: a total war of genocide. Look at the AKP media: They have no agenda other than war and weapons. Their entire agenda is hostility against the Kurds. When they attack the opposition, they do so on the basis of their hostility against the Kurdish people. They conduct their entire policy on this basis.

They recently published the justification for the court case to shut down the HDP. They also revealed the reasons for the sentence they gave to Selahattin Demirtaş. In this context, they put forward the visits to Qandil during the dialogue process in 2013-2015 as a basic justification. Yet, the HDP delegation's visits to Qandil at the time were based on the permission of Erdoğan and the AKP government. It was the government itself that provided a safe passage for the HDP delegation. During the dialogue process, we sent many letters to Leader Apo. When the HDP delegation handed over those letters, they were not immediately given to Leader Apo. They were given days later, sometimes even weeks later. What was done with those letters in the meantime? They were given to Erdoğan. Erdoğan read the letters we wrote to Leader Apo. Then he would give them to Hakan Fidan. Only afterwards, the letters were sent to Leader Apo. During the same period, the AKP-affiliated Sabah newspaper came [to Qandil] and interviewed us. Erdoğan and the AKP government are the ones who developed relations with the PKK the most. Leader Apo and our struggle have unmasked Erdoğan. This fascist government really has no reserves anymore. The fascist genocidal reality has been revealed. Now they have nothing left except war. Erdoğan is conducting his entire election policy based on hostility towards the Kurdish people. There is only one thing he promises to the Kurds and the people of Turkey: war and massacres. Look at the list of AKP-MHP candidates: there are a lot of mass murderers and hitmen on it. A list full of Kurdish enemies. This is what they promised to Turkey. From this point of view, this government really, really needs to be overthrown on May 14. This government promises the Kurdish people and the peoples of Turkey nothing but death, nothing but darkness, nothing but war, nothing but massacres. It is destroying Turkey's future."

Importance of casting vote

Hozat continued: "The National Alliance does not have a democratic policy either. They recently announced their election manifesto. Many statements have been made. Everyone is talking and discussing. Yet, there is no serious policy for the democratic solution to the Kurdish question, for the democratization of Turkey, for the construction of a democratic republic. Therefore, it is very clear that the future of Turkey lies with the Labor and Freedom Alliance. The main force that will democratize Turkey, build a democratic republic and ensure a democratic solution to the Kurdish question is the Labor and Freedom Alliance. It is the success of the Green Left Party in this election. That is why the Green Left Party must emerge victorious from this election. This is very important for the democratization of Turkey, for the construction of a democratic republic and for the democratic solution of the Kurdish question. The Green Left Party needs to enter parliament in a very strong way, both quantitatively and qualitatively. This is what is expected from our people, from all environmentalists, the women's movement, the youth movement and from everybody who is in favor of peace, democracy, justice, equality and a nature-friendly approach.

This is the main force that will democratize Turkey. It is not the National Alliance. In order to overthrow the dictator Erdoğan, all our people must vote for the candidates of the Green Left Party and the Labor and Freedom Alliance. This fascist dictator must be removed and this fascist regime must collapse. In order for this to happen, the success of the Labor and Freedom Alliance and the Green Left Party on May 14 is very important. The Green Left Party candidate list is very strong. Women and young people are represented well in it. Almost every identity is represented on the list. The Green Left Party will thus carry all the colors and differences of Turkey to parliament. In this sense, it is a very democratic list. It is a list that reflects the colorful and pluralistic reality of Turkey. Therefore, our people should unite around these candidates. Everyone must vote. Everyone needs to go to the polls and vote for the Green Left Party. They must vote to overthrow the fascist Erdoğan. They must vote for the Green Left Party in the election. This is very important. Therefore, I would like to call on everyone to unite around the candidates."

Hozat added: "We have heard recently that some democratic, leftist and socialist groups are discussing a boycott of the elections. We do not consider this the right thing to do. This election is not that kind of election. Whoever takes a stance of boycotting the elections, no matter how democratic, socialist and leftist their ideology or policy is, directly and indirectly serves the fascist dictator Erdoğan. This should not be done. Because a boycott would only lead to a loss of votes. And the loss of votes serves the fascist regime. A boycott would be useless for the democratic forces. Because these elections are really important. The peoples of Kurdistan and Turkey need not to make even the smallest mistake.

Of course, not everything will be solved with the fall of this government. We are talking about a very deep-rooted mentality. The mentality of the fascist Turkish state, the nation state system, is based on denial and annihilation. But when the democratic front gains strength, it will form a very strong front of struggle on the basis of the democratization of Turkey. New dynamics will then emerge in Turkey. The basis for democracy will grow stronger. For the democratization of Turkey, the construction of a democratic republic, a democratic government and a democratic system will offer a very important opportunity and a ground for struggle. In this respect, everyone needs to play their part in these elections."

"The victory of the Green Left Party means the victory of women"

Hozat said: "There is terrible ecological destruction happening in Kurdistan. This is part of the genocidal war. There is also terrible environmental destruction in Turkey as a result of the plunder and profit policies. The Green Left Party has caused great excitement among ecologist organizations as well. Indeed, if the world we live in is destroyed, the struggle for democracy and freedom will have no meaning. Therefore, the Green Left Party has been met with great interest. This is very important. I believe that the Labor and Freedom Alliance and the Green Left Party will be the winners of this election. The forces for democracy and freedom will be the winners of this election. The fascist dictatorship will be thrown out of history on May 14.

There is nothing left that this fascist government has not done to women. The power and the state system itself are hostile towards women. This is an anti-woman system, an anti-society system. But during the 21 years of AKP rule and especially during the last 8 years of fascist AKP-MHP rule, violence against women has increased at least 3-4 times. Feminicides have increased horribly. Violence has infected all areas of life. The sexist culture has intensified terribly. This is the main reason why violence against women has increased so much. The AKP-MHP have made men misogynists everywhere. Not only that, they closed down all women's institutions. They attacked the co-chair system of equal representation. Many co-chairs are now in prison. They abrogated the Istanbul Convention.

They have even made the law against violence a matter of negotiations with the Hüda Par and the Welfare Party again. Most probably they have made concessions with regards to this issue. They abolished all laws in favor of women within the legal system of the nation state. This is a misogynist government. It has eliminated all the gains of women. If this government remains in power, these policies of feminicide will continue and intensify. Institutionalizing a slave society based on slave women and a fascist, genocidal, dictatorial system based on a slave society means the complete destruction of women. Therefore, women need to take a strong stance against this fascist government in this election.

Any woman who has a little bit of female sensitivity, who wants women's freedom and who fights for her own freedom must not cast her vote for the fascist AKP-MHP government. The Green Left Party is a women's party. So is its program, its understanding of politics and its candidate list. It stands for equal representation. In 34 places, there are women who will definitely be elected. The Green Left Party is a women's freedom party. All women should vote for the Green Left Party. The victory of the Green Left Party means the victory of women. Women's victory means the democratization of politics. Because women are the main subject of democratization in politics.

It is a similar situation when it comes to young people. The Green Left Party is a youth party. It has a strong youth representation. Its politics and understanding promise a free and democratic future for the youth. The AKP-MHP fascist government offers a dark future for the youth. The National Alliance does not offer a serious future for the youth either. In this sense, the young people need to mobilize for the Green Left Party to win. The victory of this party will be very important for the youth. Therefore, I call on young people to participate strongly in the upcoming elections, to vote for the Green Left Party and to play a very strong role in ensuring ballot box security."

The question of Alevis

Hozat said: "The AKP-MHP fascist government has heavily persecuted Alevis. Alevis are being subjected to a comprehensive destruction of their faith. Heavy assimilation is happening everywhere. This is a genocide against Alevis. Dersim is the center of the Kurdish Alevis. The fascist Turkish state committed a great genocide there. During the period of the current government, the genocide against Alevis has continued with a thousand and one methods. Alevis are being displaced and the demography is being changed. We saw this after February 6, during the earthquake centered in Kurdistan, Elbistan and Pazarcık. Genocide is being carried out and migration is increasing. There was an earthquake but no one went to the affected areas for the first 2-3 days. The state did this consciously. Alevis will ask for revenge for this in the upcoming elections. The Green Left Party and the Labor and Freedom Alliance are the ones who most strongly defend the rights of Alevis. In the Green Left Party, Alevis are represented well. This party will carry the Alevi problem to the parliament in a strong way. Therefore, I would like to call on all Alevis to vote for the Green Left Party. All Alevis definitely need go to the polls.

The Dersim genocide is still ongoing. The cultural genocide and assimilation in Dersim have continued and increased a lot during the time of this fascist regime. The cultural genocide in Dersim, as well as the religious genocide against the Alevi faith, continue to increase. All this has intensified a lot during the time of the current government. At the same time, terrible attacks on Dersim’s nature are happening. The geography of Dersim is sacred to all Kurdish Alevis. But the fascist regime has destroyed this geography. Mines have been opened everywhere. Countless dams have been built there. Thus, they are trying to destroy Dersim. Against all this, I call on all the people of Dersim to stand up for Dersim. The way to do this is to overthrow the fascist, genocidal regime. I would like to therefore call on the people of Dersim to vote for the Green Left Party candidates in this election. Everyone, absolutely everyone, must go to the polls. In this sense, the people of Dersim have a very important role to play."