First World Youth Conference to be held in Paris in November

Ronahî – Youth Center for Public Relations’’ and the network ‘‘Youth Writing History’’ call for participation in the internationalist World Youth Conference to be held in November, 2023.

Ronahî – Youth Center for Public Relations and the network ‘‘Youth Writing History’’ issued a call for participation in the internationalist World Youth Conference from 3 to 5 November.

The conference is going to take place in the city of Paris, and will see the participation of youth organizations from all over the world. Because of the many challenges young people are facing around the world, it is most important to bring them together and discuss common issues.Y

outh Writing History wrote on its website: ‘‘As today’s youth, we are growing up in times of climate crisis, war and chaos. That’s why youth movements all around the globe are organizing to fight for an alternative life. With this first World Youth Conference, we are going to come together, discuss our perspectives, analyze the structures lying underneath the surface and strengthen our struggle against Capitalist Modernity. As the crisis we face is global, our answer must be a new Internationalism.’’ 

Youth Writing History is a global network of organizations and movements that brings together struggling youth from various backgrounds. Together with Ronahî it will organize the first World Youth Conference. The Youth Conference will follow the Middle East Youth Conference that took place in the Kurdish cities of Amed (Diyarbakir) and Kobanê in 2015 and 2019. The aim is to discuss the current crises we are facing and to learn from each other in order to develop common positions and support each other.

Organized under the slogan ‘‘Building freedom as a principle of life’’, the conference is structured by three guiding principles:

Youth Autonomy

As a way of strengthening each other’s perspectives and initiatives, the conference will be organized by the youth – for the youth. As the motto of the conference, that is also written on their website, expresses: ‘‘We are the last generation, our initiative will decide about our fate’’.

Women’s Liberation – Jin, Jiyan, Azadî.

In order to combat oppression against women, the conference puts emphasis on the need of creating a common women’s liberation perspective. The aim is to find a response to the violence, exploitation and objectification, which specially young women are exposed to day by day and on the other hand, to strengthen the bond between young women and gain back a self-defined identity. The network sees this as the foundation of all its struggles.

For A Democratic Society

The search for concrete alternatives to capitalism has never fully disappeared from left-wing revolutionary movements, yet the lack of clarity and perspective regarding the actual goal causes difficulties until today. On this specific issue, the organizational committee of the conference shares this analysis: "After the failure of real socialism, the myth of the “end of history” emerged, saying that capitalism is the only and inevitable solution for society and that the struggle for any alternative is over. Now we see that this was not true – if not even a strategic lie in order to break the hope of society. We are living completely alienated from each other while the power of true self-determination is being ripped from our hands. We need to discuss how to make our societies truly democratic, collaborative and free."

The conference will be divided into three sections. Each one of them will be discussed on one day of the conference:

  • 1st Day:

Session l: Global Youth History & Youth Autonomy
Inputs on the responsibility of the youth to recognize their common identity and history, the importance of organization to guarantee the success of the revolutionary practice and the protection of it’s core values.

Session ll: Peace & War
Building a broad understanding of the current scenario of systematical crisis and war and creating effective politics for a just and free life.

Session lll: Young Women – Women’s Liberation – Jin, Jiyan, Azadî
Regarding the role of young women as the vanguards for the 21st century’s revolutionary processes. Overcoming influence and pressures of patriarchy and liberal mentality in order to play a key role in the creation of an alternative system world-wide.

  • 2nd Day:

Session lV: Workshops
Organized by the participating organizations, together with the organizational committee. Collecting feedback and perspectives from different organizational processes and resistances.

Session V: Regional Working Groups – Building freedom as a principal of life
Time for organizations from the same continents to unite, get to know each other and discuss the current situation in their regions in order to find ways to coordinate better.

  • 3rd Day:

Session Vl: Weaving together regional perspectives
Feedback from the regional working groups discussions, analysis and conclusions.
Drawing perspectives on next steps and the proper evaluations on future opportunities and challenges that could arise, as well as how to work on them together.

Session Vll: System change for a democratic society & call to Democratic World Youth Confederalism
Finding ways to walk together towards a democratic world revolution, guided by the vanguard of the youth.

In this sense, ‘‘Youth Writing History’’ calls for all revolutionary and non-conforming youth around the world to participate in the first World Youth Conference in the city of Paris, France from the 3rd to the 5th of November 2023, and adds: ‘‘We will be the ones to define the continuation of history and build freedom as a principal of life!

Additional links:

Contact: [email protected]
Webpage of Youth Writing History: