KCK: Women are leading the democratic society era
The KCK said in a statement that the era of a democratic society is the era of women.
The KCK said in a statement that the era of a democratic society is the era of women.
The co-presidency of the Executive Council of the Kurdistan Communities Union (KCK) issued a written message to celebrate International Working Women’s Day.
The statement emphasized that Abdullah Öcalan’s Call for Peace and a Democratic Society, made on 27 February, primarily aims to resolve the issue of women's freedom. "Without women, social peace and democratization cannot be achieved. Women are the guarantors of democracy and freedom. The era of democratic society is the era of women."
The statement reads as follows:
"We celebrate 8 March, the day of women's unity, solidarity, and struggle, with all women and peoples. We honor with respect, love, and gratitude all revolutionary women who have fought for freedom and contributed to the creation of democratic and socialist values, from Rosa to Clara, from Sara to Asya, and Sevim Belli.
Today, women are not only rising up for their own rights but also leading the social struggle for democracy and freedom. This reality is evident not only in Kurdistan but in many parts of the world. It must be recognized that the women's struggle has taken on a global character. Just as the crisis of the system is global, the struggle against it has also expanded and become a global movement. Women are at the forefront of the struggle for democracy and freedom in social uprisings everywhere.
The fact that the issue of women's freedom has visibly moved to the center of social struggles today stems both from its symbolic significance and its comprehensive nature. The women's freedom struggle not only embraces all the oppressed and exploited but also, due to its holistic nature, has the ability to build the broadest front against the system. In this regard, the women's struggle is inclusive, it encompasses and integrates struggles for the environment, democracy, justice, equality, and participation. Neither the 19th-century bourgeois movements nor the 20th-century labor movements were as comprehensive and integrated as the women's struggle of the 21st century. With this character, the global women's movement has the potential to reach a more universal level than any previous struggle in history.
As a movement centered on women's freedom, it has become increasingly important to build a joint struggle with global anti-system movements based on our leader's (Abdullah Öcalan) democratic-ecological-women’s liberation paradigm. The connection between dominant masculinity and fascism is evident in the state's militaristic and monistic structure. Within the context of the Third World War, the grounds for expanding and strengthening women's self-defense struggle, the fight for democracy and socialism against fascism, and the struggle for a women-centered free life against the male-dominated system are stronger than ever before. Those who will lead this struggle are women, the fundamental revolutionary force of the 21st century.
In recent years, the increasing attacks and massacres targeting women, along with ideological offensives aimed at institutionalizing, fragmenting, and emptying the women's freedom struggle of its essence, are directly linked to the system's recognition of women as the fundamental revolutionary force of this century. It has now become evident that the primary contradiction of the 21st century is the women's struggle and that the central driving force of revolution is women.
The system of capitalist modernity, by destroying humanity, nature, and all moral and political values, is ultimately attempting to eradicate everything that remains of women's system and societal values. Therefore, attacks targeting the struggle for women's freedom and equality, policies that seek to confine women within traditional gender roles, and mentalities that aim to suppress women's will by escalating femicide also serve the purpose of eliminating women's leadership in 21st-century social struggles.
The greatest value revealed by our struggle for freedom is the leadership of women's liberation and the new social consciousness shaped around it. With this accumulated strength and social power, we approach 8 March with the Peace and Democratic Society Manifesto presented by Mr. Öcalan to Kurdish women and the people. The Apoist women’s freedom movement has led every stage of the struggle and has been at the forefront of social transformations. It has guaranteed the path of leadership and freedom within our struggle. In this new era, shaped by the paradigm of a free life, women’s leadership and struggle will once again be decisive in ensuring success.
The culture of war and violence has been developed primarily against women, striking them in every possible way. For this reason, the struggle for peace and a free life will be led first and foremost by women. The attacks of the millennia-old male-dominated system and mindset against women have reached their peak in today’s reality of the Third World War through the system of capitalist modernity. Therefore, the pursuit of peace and a democratic society is essential for women. Mr. Öcalan’s historic Call for Peace and a Democratic Society is primarily aimed at solving the issue of women’s freedom. Without women, social peace and democratization cannot be achieved. Women are the guarantors of democracy and freedom. The era of democratic society is the era of women.
Öcalan embodies the synthesis of the struggles of the Kurdish people, all oppressed peoples, and, most importantly, women. That is why women have taken to the streets, declaring, ‘Abdullah Öcalan’s freedom is our freedom,’ and have expanded their struggle. The inevitability of Öcalan’s role as a key interlocutor in the new phase of political developments is, above all, a result of this struggle. The new period of struggle, initiated by the Call for Peace and a Democratic Society, has also brought closer the freedom of Öcalan.
On 8 March, all women and our people taking to the streets will embrace this day with great determination and a spirit of action, fully aware that the freedom of Öcalan is inseparable from their own freedom. We believe that this spirit of struggle will reach its peak with this year’s Newroz celebrations. The success of this new process, initiated by our leader call, will only be possible with Öcalan’s physical freedom and his ability to actively participate in and lead the process.
We salute all women and our people with faith in a free reunion with Mr. Öcalan. Once again, we celebrate International Working Women’s Day as a day of unity, solidarity, and struggle"