"We can open the doors of İmralı by taking advantage of new opportunities"

KCK Executive Council member Zübeyir Aydar and KONGRA GEL co-chair Remzi Kartal said: "Our most important agenda is the situation of Leader Öcalan. By taking advantage of new opportunities and possibilities, we can open the doors of İmralı."

There has been no news from Kurdish People's Leader Abdullah Öcalan, who has been held captive in severe isolation in İmralı Prison for nearly 26 years, for more than 3 years. Protests continue uninterruptedly to get news from Öcalan, who is kept in conditions of absolute isolation/no communication in İmralı.

KCK Executive Council member Zübeyir Aydar and KONGRA GEL co-chair Remzi Kartal spoke to ANF about the "Freedom for Abdullah Öcalan, Solution to the Kurdish Question" launched on 10 October 2023.

'Leader apo's situation is our most important agenda'

KCK Executive Council member Zübeyir Aydar pointed out that there has been no news from Abdullah Öcalan and his friends for more than 3 years and said: "This is a big problem for us. This is the main agenda item for all Kurds. The situation of political prisoners has been the main agenda of Kurdish society for years. The most important problem is the situation of Leader Apo [Abdullah Öcalan]. Because he is not an ordinary prisoner. The enemy does not approach him like an ordinary prisoner. He has been in prison for over 25 years. He has been under severe isolation for over 25 years. He has not been heard from for 3 years and a month. The campaign "Freedom for Abdullah Öcalan, Solution to the Kurdish Question", which started on 10 October 2023, continues. It is very important for our people. This campaign has made significant progress. It remains an important issue on our agenda. This campaign has entered its second phase. We must support this campaign, first break the isolation, and then ensure the freedom of Leader Apo and his friends. Leader Apo's freedom is not the freedom of one person. Leader Apo's freedom is the freedom of all Kurds and Kurdistan. This process is completely interconnected. It is a political, humanitarian and moral duty for us to protect Leader Apo. Everyone should support this."

'We should put pressure on the Turkish state'

KONGRA GEL co-chair Remzi Kartal underlined that the campaign has expanded and moved to a new phase, and added: "The Freedom Campaign had a great impact, especially in the international arena. This is a situation that is on the agenda of the KNK. However, for us, the Kurdish Political Movement, especially for those living abroad, the year 2024 is both for the freedom of Leader Apo and for us. It is a strategic year. By taking advantage of the newly born opportunities and possibilities, we can force the state to open the doors of İmralı. This is to develop a dialogue with Leader Apo on the Kurdish question and the problems of the Turkish people. We are in such a process. For this, we must position ourselves in 2024 on the basis of Leader Apo's freedom, together with all our people, all components of the Kurdish Freedom Politics, political parties, intellectuals, especially women and youth, the press and our international friends."