40 prisoners in Antalya S Type jail sentenced to 11 days of solitary confinement

40 prisoners in Antalya S Type Closed Prison were sentenced to 11 days of solitary confinement each for their actions against oppression and violations of rights.

In Antalya S Type Closed Prison, 40 prisoners were sentenced to 11 days of solitary confinement due to their actions against violations of rights.

It was also reported that the due release of some of the prisoners was prevented. Islam Erdoğan, one of the prisoners sentenced to solitary confinement, said that the prison staff walked around wearing bands with wolf emblems on their left arms.

 Erdoğan stated that they were not taken into any activity, their cells were constantly raided and the radios they bought from the canteen were confiscated. Erdoğan added: "We are determined, we are strong, we will continue our struggle. We are ready to do whatever duty falls on us for this cause."