Ill prisoner Ayık talks about violations in jails

Ill prisoner Devrim Ayık talked about the violations in jails and the health problems he experienced. Ayık said that despite his health condition deteriorating, his transfer request was rejected due to disciplinary penalties.

According to the data of the Human Rights Association (IHD), there are 1,564 ill prisoners in jails, 651 of whom are seriously ill. One of these prisoners is journalist Devrim Ayık (33). While distributing Özgür Halk Magazine in Izmir in 2015, Ayık was detained with 13 of his friends and arrested by the Criminal Judgeship of Peace. Ayık, who was tried on charges of "membership in a terrorist organization" and "aiding an illegal organization", was first sent to Izmir Kırıklar F Type Closed Prison. After his health condition deteriorated, he was transferred to Antalya L Type Closed Prison, and finally to Eskişehir H Type Closed Prison.

Devrim Ayık, who was released in 2018 due to deteriorating health conditions while he was held in Antalya L Type Prison, was arrested again in January 2021 and sent to Edirne F Type Prison. Ayık, who had two surgeries and had part of his intestines removed, also completely lost his right eye due to an accident in 2006 and his left eye is 30 degrees myopic. Ayık, who is 76 percent disabled, continues to be held in prison.

Release postponed by arbitrary decision

In the letter he sent to his mother, Hülya Ayık, the Devrim said that the release of prisoners who completed their executions was postponed due to arbitrary decisions and said: "Ill prisoners are transferred to the hospital late. I went to the hospital last week because of my ear problem, and it was stated that I needed surgery. But it is unknown when the surgery will take place. Due to my health condition, I requested a referral to Antalya. However, my request was rejected due to disciplinary punishments. We are constantly faced with disciplinary punishments."

Pointing out the government's "softening" discourse, Ayık said: "Those who carry out the 'softening process' in the name of their interests should turn around and look at the prisons, because they are the mirror of a state. Everyone is playing three monkeys against all kinds of injustice and lawlessness."

Finally, Ayık drew attention to the pressures on the Free Media and said: "Ongoing detentions and arrests cannot break, bend or destroy the pen of free journalists."