Prisoner's mother: If the doors of Imrali are opened, the doors of peace will also be opened

Prisoner's relative Emine Al said: "If the doors of Imrali are opened, the doors of peace will also be opened."

Emine Al, mother of Gülistan Al, who is held in Kayseri Bünyan Prison, said that there should be more struggle against isolation.

The alternating hunger strike by PKK and PAJK prisoners in Turkish prisons started on 27 November, within the scope of the "Freedom for Abdullah Öcalan, Political Solution to the Kurdish Question" campaign. It was called off on 4 April. Since then, prisoners have been boycotting the courts, refusing family visits as well as phone calls. The relatives of the prisoners launched a "Voice for freedom" protest every week following the Justice Vigil protests.

Until isolation is lifted

Gülistan Al has been sentenced to aggravated life imprisonment and is held in Kayseri Bünyan Prison. She is one of the prisoners carrying out the action. Her mother, Emine Al, said that they had not been able to communicate with their children for three months and had not received any news, and that they had not been to see each other for the past two holidays.

Al continued: "We started the vigil together with the protest of the prisoners, but the participation was very low. No one from different circles supported our vigil, neither did they support the prisoners. We have not been able to hear our children's voices for months. We will be able to visit them only whenever they end the protest. They will continue to isolate themselves until the isolation of the leadership ends. Today, I went to my son's grave. At least I can talk to him and make up for my longing. We visit our martyrs and relieve the pain of our hearts, even if only a little."

We will continue to support the prisoners struggle

Al said: "We will always be behind our sons and daughters. Even if we don't talk to them for two years, nothing will change. Yes, we miss them, but the magnitude of their struggle is above everything else. All we want and demand is an end to isolation and support for the prisoners' actions. I call out to the mothers of martyrs, mothers of guerrillas, mothers of prisoners: Let's not leave each other alone. Let's follow the struggle of our children. We have a protest in front of prisons on Mondays. Everyone should go there and take part in the action. Isolation is a crime against humanity. All Kurdish people should raise their voice against isolation. We must break this isolation. If the doors of Imrali are opened, the doors of peace will also be opened."