Release of ill prisoner postponed for 4th time

The release of Naif Işçi, who was arrested at the age of 14 in Cizre, was postponed for the 4th time because he rejected showing "remorse". His mother Nebahat said: "What did my son do that he should show remorse?"


Naif Işçi (28), who was arrested after being detained in the Cizre (Cizîr), in the province of Şirnak (Şirnex) in September 2010, was tried for "committing a crime on behalf of an illegal organization without being a member of it", "making propaganda for an illegal organisation", "violating the law on meetings, demonstrations and marches" and "unauthorized possession and transportation of dangerous substances". He was sentenced to 24 years in prison. The Supreme Court reduced the sentence to 16 years, taking into account his young age. However, although the man has completed his execution period, he cannot benefit from his right to conditional release. His release was in fact postponed for the fourth time on the grounds that he refused to show "remorse".

Işçi, who had a traffic accident shortly before his arrest and had a plate in his left leg, has been held in prison for 14 years. For this reason, his left leg became shorter, and he is now almost unable to walk.

'There is neither law nor justice'

Nebahat Işçi, Naif's mother, said that the obstacles put in front of the release of ill prisoners were due to injustice in the country and added: "My son has completed 14 years in prison. He was arrested at a young age. They stole my son's childhood and ruined his life. My son completed his sentence and was supposed to be released on 6 May. I started making preparations. However, his release was postponed for the fourth time for another 3 months. This state has no justice or law. Our children are not released even though their sentences are over. Isn't this unfair?"

'What did my son do that he should show remorse?'

Stating that her son was subjected to all kinds of injustice in prison, Işçi said: "He is disabled and has a plate in his left leg. As if keeping him in prison were not enough, they sent him to Bandırma T Type Closed Prison. Now, after 14 years, they have asked my son to show remorse. What has he done that he should show remorse? My son is sick and has caught many diseases in prison. We want justice to come to this country."