HPG pays tribute to Martyr Elefteria Hambi

The HPG paid tribute to Martyr Elefteria Hambi, and said: "The legacy of struggle left behind by our comrade Elefteria will always enlighten us and will definitely be crowned with victory."

The HPG Press Center issued a statement to pay tribute to Martyr guerrilla Elefteria Hambi (Eva Maria Steiger), a member of the YJA Star guerrillas.

The statement said: "Our dear internationalist revolutionary comrade Elefteria Hambi was impressed by our Leader's idea of democratic socialism and the self-sacrificing war waged by Apoist militants against all reactionary forces, especially ISIS gangs who are hostile to humanity. On the basis of this deep influence, with a high socialist and internationalist consciousness, she went to the Middle East and its center, Kurdistan, for the freedom of all peoples. Our comrade Elefteria, whose heart beat for the freedom of all humanity, fought selflessly from North East Syria to Medya Defense Area. Our comrade Elefteria fell a martyr in an attack carried out by the invading Turkish army with warplanes in the Sêdarê area of Garê on 25 November 2019."

The statement added: “Elefteria went to Kurdistan, believing that thanks to our leader's democratic, ecological and free women paradigm she could realize her dreams. Our comrade Elefteria, who struggled with great sincerity, honesty and self-sacrifice, has always been a source of strength and morale for her comrades.

As her comrades, we consider ourselves lucky to be carrying on the freedom struggle of our peoples together with such a valuable internationalist revolutionary and woman who liberated her soul. We express our condolences to all the democratic German people and the people of Kurdistan, whose hearts are in favor of the freedom of the Kurdistan people and all peoples, especially the precious family of our comrade Elefteria."

The identity information of Elefteria Hambi is as follows:

 Nom de Guerre: Elefteria Hambi

 Name Surname: Eva Maria Steiger

 Birthplace: Germany

 Mother – Father’s name: Corinna - Hans Michael

 Date and Place of Martyrdom: 25 November 2019 / Garê

The statement continued: "Our comrade Elefteria, who considered reaching the Kurdistan mountains, guerrilla life and struggle as her main goal, joined the ranks of the Kurdistan Freedom Guerrilla in 2018 after her successful struggle in Rojava. She took her name in honor of Martyr Elefteria Fortulaki, who fell as a martyr in action on 27 March 2006."

The HPG statement said that guerrilla Elefteria used to repeat: "This war is not just the war of the Kurds, it is the war of everyone oppressed by the system, especially women. For this reason, we must struggle at every moment of our lives to achieve what we believe in. No one can be free until everyone is free!"