AKP turns funeral houses into election offices

Van Provincial and District Organizations of the ruling AKP turned the funeral houses in the neighbourhoods into election offices.

AKP members in Van are starting to use funeral houses for election campaigns. They hold frequent election meetings in funeral houses in different neighbourhoods across the city.

With the beginning of Ramadan, AKP has increased its electoral activities in Van's Erciş, Muradiye, Çaldıran, Edremit, Gürpınar and Tusba districts.

AKP district heads and administrators attend the meetings held in these houses, and pro-AKP mukhtars lead the meetings in some neighbourhoods.

It is reported that when some mukhtars invite local people to funeral houses, AKP administrators welcome them and conduct AKP propaganda.

Furthermore, AKP's women's branches hold meetings in some houses after iftar. The meetings, deemed as religious conversations, turn into an election campaign by the AKP. The ruling party is particularly trying to influence poor families under the pretext of Ramadan aid.

Many associations such as Humanitarian Relief Foundation (IHH), Başak Der, Veren El, Hayrat Association, Ensar Association have recently increased their activities. These associations and foundations carry out pro-government activities.