Arabs and Yazidis demonstrate in Shengal for freedom for Öcalan

The Democratic Autonomous Administration of Shengal (Sinjar) organized a march to demand freedom for Kurdish people’s leader Abdullah Öcalan who is held in incomminicado detention and has not been heard from for 30 months.

The Democratic Autonomous Administration of Shengal (Sinjar) organized a march to demand freedom for Kurdish people’s leader Abdullah Öcalan who is held in incomminicado detention and has not been heard from for 30 months.

The march was attended by Yazidi and Arab residents, tribal and community leaders, representatives of institutions and non-governmental organizations.

Masses marched from the village of Xelef to the village of Bare near the town of Khanasor behind a banner that read “Leader Öcalan’s freedom is the freedom of Shengal people”.

Following the march, the co-chair of the Democratic Autonomous Administration of Shengal, Nayif Shemo, made a statement, saying: “The system built here is a product of Leader Öcalan’s labour and initiatives. It involves all the constituents. Leader Öcalan’s idea is based on co-existence and the freedom of peoples and women. We also demand the very same thing. We should rely on this system of thought in social, political and military life and spread Leader Öcalan’s ideas everywhere.”

Shemo pointed out that Öcalan demands the rights of a people and he is subjected to isolation because he is a man of a great cause. “The isolation of Leader Öcalan is not imposed on an individual, but on the peoples’ demand for freedom,” he added.

Speaking in the name of the Yazidi Women’s Freedom Movement, Şemê Remo said: “Leader Öcalan’s fighters stopped the ISIS mercenaries and saved the Yazidi people from massacres, which is why he is subjected to isolation. As Yazidi women, we will be in constant resistance for the freedom of Leader Öcalan. As the people and women of Shengal, we condemn the isolation imposed on Leader Öcalan.”

Pointing to the achievements of Yazidi women, Şemê Remo continued: “As Yazidi women, we organized ourselves with the ideas of Leader Öcalan and great changes have taken place in the Yazidi community thanks to his ideas. We have been through repeated massacres, which have all been forgotten. The last genocide against the Yazidi people was recognized all over the world thanks to Leader Öcalan.”

Şemo Remo called on the CPT (Committee for the Prevention of Torture) to uphold its missions and responsibilities and vowed to continue their resistance until Leader Öcalan is heard from.”

Xideyîr Saleh spoke on behalf of the Council of Arab Constituents and stated that they base on the Democratic Nation system to ensure co-existence. “It is thanks to the Democratic Nation system that we have been able to return to our land and keep a common life going after the massacre in 2014. As the Arab people, we demand the freedom of Leader Öcalan and denounce the isolation implemented on him on Imrali.”