Bafil Talabani: If we can unite, we can guarantee our rights

PUK Chairman Bafil Talabani said, “If we can unite, we will guarantee our rights. Division does not serve any side.”


The Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) Leader, Bafil Talabani, issued a message on the occasion of the 49th founding anniversary of the party.

The message on Saturday said: “Our past efforts to resolve the problems and to achieve reconciliation between the parties will continue in the same way and we want peace in the region. We insist on peace and coexistence. Our door for cooperation is open and will always remain open. We respect all political forces and parties of Kurdistan, and we want to solve our problems together. What we all need is unity. If we can unite, we can guarantee our rights. Past experiences have shown that division does not serve any side. With a bigger and national vision, our agenda should be focused on making the lives of our people more comfortable and on the future of Kurdistan.”