Besê Hozat says KCK to extend unilateral ceasefire until after the elections
Besê Hozat said that the KCK extended its unilateral ceasefire until after the elections.
Besê Hozat said that the KCK extended its unilateral ceasefire until after the elections.
KCK Executive Council co-chair Besê Hozat announced that the unilateral ceasefire would remain in place until after the elections.
Speaking to Medya Haber TV, Hozat said: "We have decided to stop the military actions until the election is over."
The KCK had taken a decision to stop military actions (except for the right to defend themselves) after the Maraş-centered earthquakes. However, despite the decision of "inaction" taken by the KCK, Turkey continued to carry out attacks in South Kurdistan many times.