Body of YJA Star guerrilla not given to family from Iran
The father came from Iran and returned without taking her daughter’s body.
The father came from Iran and returned without taking her daughter’s body.
YJA Star (Free Women's Troops) guerrilla Kubar Hacîzade fell a martyr alongside two other guerrillas in a clash with Turkish forces on 24 September 2019 in the countryside of Amed’s Lice district. The body of Hacîzade is still kept in the morgue of the Gazi Yaşargil Training and Research Hospital. While it is not known when the bodies were taken to the hospital, bodies of the other two female guerrillas, Nevin Güngörmüş and Filiz Aydemir, have already been identified and taken by their families.
Father Ali Hacîzade came from Maku, Iran to Amed (Diyarbakır) to get the body of his daughter and applied on 27 January to MEBYA-DER, an association of solidarity with the families who lost their relatives.
The father then applied to the prosecutor’s office for procedures required to get the body but he was not shown the corpse on the grounds that it was unrecognisable. The father was later referred to Dicle University Hospital for a DNA test on 29 January and gave a blood sample before returning to Iran.
Reports say that the family is waiting fort he DNA result to get the body.