DEM Party members protest raid on Hakkari Municipality and arrest of co-mayor

DEM Party members protested the raid on Hakkari Municipality and the detention of co-mayor Sıddık Akis.

Turkish police stormed Hakkari (Colemêrg) Municipality on Sunday night and raided it in the morning. Co-mayor Mehmet Sıddık Akis was detained in Van (Wan).

DEM Party members gathered in front of the town hall and reacted to the police raid.

Meanwhile, one of the police officers stated that co-mayor Akis was dismissed with the signature of the Minister of Internal Affairs Ali Yerlikaya.

Şaban Alkan said: "Elected people and personnel are not allowed into the building. They told us that our co-mayor had been taken into custody. We do not recognize and reject this decision."

While the police closed all roads leading to the municipality, it was stated that Deputy Governor Tayyar Emre Mahmutoğlu went to the municipality. Mahmutoğlu had previously served as the assistant trustee at Hakkari Municipality.

Many people began to gather at the DEM Party Provincial Organization building to protest the police raid.