Gerîla TV broadcasts footage of actions against Turkish army

Gerîla TV broadcast footage of actions carried out against the Turkish army using a special technique in Zap.

Gerîla TV broadcast the footage of actions carried out against the Turkish army using a special technique in Zap.

The HPG Press Center issued the following statement: "Our forces carried out 3 actions using a special technique against the invaders in the Girê Amediyê Resistance Area of ​​the Martyr Delîl West Zap region on the anniversary of the Historic 1 June Operation. The invading Turkish army on the Martyr Pirdoğan and Martyr Gelhat hills in the Girê Amediyê Resistance Area was shot at 08:44, 13:13 and 17:56 on 1 June. In these actions performed using special techniques, 1 container and 1 position belonging to the invaders were destroyed."