Gerîla TV publishes images of the drone shot down by guerrillas

The shooting down of the Turkish state's Aksungur type Armed Unmanned Aerial Vehicle hit by the Qendîl Air Defense Forces in Asos, was broadcast on Gerîla TV.

Gerîla TV published images of the drone shot down by guerrillas on 12 July. In a statement, the HPG said: "

The HPG Press Contact Center said: "On 12 July 2024, at 08:54, an Aksungur type Armed Unmanned Aerial Vehicle belonging to the Turkish state was shot down by our Qendîl Air Defense Forces in the skies of Asos.

After being hit, the Aksungur UAV wanted to head towards North Kurdistan, but it crashed near the village of Pîrzalan in Yuksekova (Gever) district of Hakkari (Colemerg) at around 10:00. The fallen Aksungur SIHA was destroyed."