Gerîla TV releases footage from 5 assassination actions

Gerîla TV has released footage from 5 separate assassination actions carried out by guerrillas against the Turkish troops in southern Kurdistan between 11 and 19 May.

HPG (People’s Defense Forces) guerrillas carried out 5 separate assassination actions against the Turkish army in southern Kurdistan. Footage of the actions has been released by Gerîla TV.

Times, places and results of the actions are as follows;

1st Action

One Turkish soldier was killed in an assassination action against invading forces stationed on Hill Lelikan in southern Kurdistan on May 11.

2nd Action

One soldier was killed as a result of an assassination action against Hill Bayrak in Barzan region on May 14.

3rd Action

Assassination action by YJA-Star guerrillas left a soldier dead on Hill Lelikan on May 15.

4th Action

Assassination action by YJA-Star guerrillas left a soldier dead on Hill Bayrak on May 15.

5th Action

One soldier died as a result of an assassination action on Hill Lelikan on May 19.