Guerrillas celebrate the Newroz of freedom
Guerrillas celebrate Newroz, expressing hope for a future in which they will mark the occasion alongside Abdullah Öcalan and their people in Diyarbakır in 2026.
Guerrillas celebrate Newroz, expressing hope for a future in which they will mark the occasion alongside Abdullah Öcalan and their people in Diyarbakır in 2026.
The Kurdistan Freedom Guerrillas marked Newroz, celebrating the people's freedom and peace.
People's Defense Forces (HPG) guerrilla Zîlan Sipêrtî and guerrilla Gernas Xorasan extended their Newroz greetings to the people of Kurdistan, sharing their emotions. The fighters emphasized that this Newroz is dedicated to Abdullah Öcalan and stated: "It is Mr. Öcalan who has made this Newroz so spirited."
We nurture our hope and recreate ourselves
Guerrilla Zîlan Sipêrtî: "We celebrate Newroz 2025 for Abdullah Öcalan, the martyrs, the prison resistance fighters, our people, all our comrades, and those who raise their voices against this oppression. Especially with the letter Mr. Öcalan sent us, a new step was taken, a new excitement was felt, and morale was lifted. That is why this Newroz is different and beautiful for us. As YJA Star, our morale and excitement are stronger and greater than ever.
Mr. Öcalan's message resonated everywhere and strengthened the spirit of resistance. Our people demonstrated this resistance on the walls of Diyarbakır (Amed), proving its impact. This was the reflection of Öcalan’s message. In the lands of Mazlum Doğan, on the walls, and in many other places, celebrations are taking place. As the YJA Star force, we recreate ourselves with this morale.
Keeping Öcalan's ideas alive and rebuilding oneself with the slogan ‘Bijî Serok Apo!’ is truly exhilarating. The celebrations led by women are especially meaningful. The leader’s letter was read everywhere, the process was renewed, and above all, our mothers’ resistance grew even stronger. Our people have also entered a process of rebuilding themselves. Every Newroz brings renewal for us; this Newroz is different from the others. Because Mr. Öcalan’s letter was read across the world. Everywhere, in every field, the Kurdish people united, rose up, and embraced their achievements.
All of this has happened through Mr. Öcalan’s ideas; the Kurdish people have asserted their will, become aware, felt their freedom, and are now celebrating it in the squares. We are not among our people, but we feel them, follow them, and our hope continues to grow. We nurture the hope that, in 2026, we will celebrate Newroz alongside Abdullah Öcalan and our people at the walls of Diyarbakır."
We feel the enthusiasm of our people’s Newroz
Guerrilla Gernas Horosan: "I celebrate the Newroz of freedom for Abdullah Öcalan, all martyrs of truth, and our resisting people. The Arî people have celebrated Newroz with this tradition for years, and its historical significance is profound. The difference between Newroz 2025 and previous years is clear and undeniable.
This enthusiasm and excitement are felt throughout Kurdistan. The celebrations in Northern Kurdistan, in Lice and Sur, and in Eastern Kurdistan have demonstrated the unity of the Kurdish people. For years, they tried to destroy our traditions and divide us; they sought to erase our culture. But by preserving our culture and protecting Kurdistan and the traditions of the Arî people, all these threats have been rendered ineffective, and all attacks have been repelled.
Mr. Öcalan has a dream, and we will fulfill it. The resistance that our Leader (Öcalan) has demonstrated under all conditions and hardships has led to these achievements. Today, the Kurdish people are aware and conscious. They have a cause of freedom they are fighting for. Our people stand with honor and dignity, preserving their culture and their resistance, and they will continue to do so. We may not be physically among them, but we are filled with excitement, and we feel their enthusiasm. This excitement and grandeur of the celebrations are a reflection of Mr. Öcalan’s impact on the Kurdish people and the process.
Today, we can see more clearly than ever that the demand for Öcalan’s freedom from all oppressed, freedom-seeking, and struggling people has grown stronger than ever. In a free future, we will celebrate Newroz with Mr. Öcalan on the walls of Diyarbakır. With this consciousness, we are expanding and sustaining our struggle."