Heavy rain causes flooding in Hewlêr

In Hewlêr, roads and buildings have been flooded again after heavy rains. Traffic came to a standstill, all schools were closed.

After heavy rains, roads and houses in Hewlêr (Erbil) were once again flooded by masses of water. Traffic came to a standstill, motorists abandoned their vehicles in panic at a further rise in the water level on the main roads. Water entered numerous shops and homes. The governor of Hewlêr announced that all schools were closed due to the danger of flooding.

Traders in the city have reacted angrily to the renewed water damage. In mid-December last year, 15 people died in a flood disaster in the city. Several people are still missing today. Millions of dollars’ worth of property damage was caused. Business owners blame the government and explain that floods occur every time it rains because no protective measures are taken.

The heavy rain hit Southern Kurdistan after one of the driest periods in recent decades. Rivers and lakes reached low water levels or dried up completely. In general, Iraq has suffered from some extreme weather events in recent years. In addition to heat waves and droughts, there have also been severe floods. The drought led to severe crop failures and lack of drinking water. Many farmers abandoned their farms and moved to the cities. This further worsens the supply situation. The World Bank warned in November that due to climate change, Iraq's water resources are expected to decline by a further 20 percent by 2050.