HPG pays tribute to guerrilla Rizgar Îdexî

Rizgar Îdexî was killed in an attack carried out by the Turkish army in the Besta area of North Kurdistan in July. The HPG guerrilla came from the resistance stronghold of Hakkari.

Guerrilla Rizgar Îdexî died in an attack carried out by the Turkish army in the Besta area of Botan on 12 July 2023. The press center of the People's Defense Forces (HPG) said in a statement that Rizgar Îdexî was a “leading militant, an exemplary apoist guerrilla who successfully fought in Botan. Rizgar Îdexî fought in the areas of Kêla Memê and Besta against the Turkish occupiers.”

The HPG expresses its condolences to his family and the people of Kurdistan and said that the memory of those who fell in battle will continue to live on.

The HPG provided the following information about Rizgar Îdexî:

 Codename: Rizgar Îdexî

 First and last name: Sinan Arar

 Place of birth: Hakkari

 Names of mother and father: Meryem – Ramazan

 Date and place of death: 12 July 2023 / Besta

The HPG said: “Rizgar Îdexî was born in the province of Hakkari (Colemêrg), known for its high mountains and the resistance culture of its people. He was already familiar with the Kurdish liberation struggle as a child and met the guerrillas many times. He was fascinated by their way of life and their behavior. As he grew older, his emotional connection to the guerrillas was strengthened by his awareness of the reality of his people and the genocidal policies carried out by the Turkish state. In 2013, he joined the guerrillas in Kato together with two relatives.”

The HPG continued: “During his first time in Botan, Rizgar Îdexî learned the principles of the guerrillas and the PKK's standards for a free life. He came to the Medya Defense Areas to train new fighters. Because he had already gained initial experience in Bakurê Kurdistanê (North Kurdistan), he took a leading role in the training and contributed to the development of his fellow fighters. He studied the philosophy of Abdullah Öcalan and viewed the apoist ideology as a way of life. At the same time, he attached great importance to his military competence. After training, he went to practice in Xakurke. At the Şehîd Mehmed Goyî Operational School he received further training on the ideological and military requirements of the People's Revolutionary War. He then went to the area of Gostê in Xakurke. When the Turkish state unilaterally ended the negotiation process for a solution to the Kurdish question in 2015 and launched a new campaign of destruction against the freedom movement, Rizgar Îdexî took part in the resistance in Gostê and fought self-sacrificingly against all the attacks by the Turkish army. He was wounded. After his recovery, he wanted to fight in Bakur. His proposal was accepted and he received specialized training in the use of semi-automatic weapons.”

The HPG added: “In 2018, Rizgar Îdexî went to Botan. As he himself said, he felt great excitement and indescribable joy. For him, fighting in the region where the freedom movement started the guerrilla struggle meant shouldering a great responsibility. He first came to Kêla Memê and won the respect of his comrades for his courage and the willingness to make sacrifices with which he took part in guerrilla operations. He last fought in Besta. He remained committed to the freedom values created by thousands of martyrs until his last breath and took an honorable place in the history of our people's liberation struggle.”