HPG reports Turkish air raids in South Kurdistan

The Turkish state continues its attacks in various parts of Kurdistan as part of its genocidal war against the Kurdish people.

The Press Office of People’s Defense Forces (HPG) reported that Turkish fighter jets carried out raids against guerrilla-held Medya Defense Zones in southern Kurdistan, northern Iraq.

According to the statement, Turkish aerial bombardments targeted the following locations:

- Meyroke area in Gare region at 11:30 on January 10,

- Kani Qırêj area in Xakurke region at between 20.00 and 22.00 on January 10,

- Şikefta Birindara area in Zap region at 11:30 on January 11,

- Kunişka and Kurêjehro areas at 12:30,

- Karker area at 13:30.