Iraqi army attacks YBŞ and YJŞ positions in Shengal

The Iraqi army attacked several YBŞ and YJŞ positions in the Shengal region. Heavy fighting ensued. Positions of Êzidxan Asayiş had already been attacked before.

The Iraqi attacks on the self-governing Yazidi region of Shengal in South Kurdistan continue to escalate. After the Iraqi military tried to take control of check-points of the Êzidxan Asayiş (the security forces of the democratic self-governing region), near Dugire on Monday, the Iraqi military attacked Asayiş positions in Sinune, Shengal and Xanesor.

At 2 am on Tuesday morning, the security forces attacked the Cidalê checkpoint near Tilezer. Clashes were reported there. The army then attacked positions of the Shengal Resistance Units (YBŞ) and the Shengal Women's Units (YJŞ) in Geliyê Silo and Sikêniye. The fighting for the positions continues.

The Iraqi army is transporting reinforcements to the areas under the control of the YBŞ and YJŞ. Apparently a major attack is being prepared.

The Iraqi army's attacks on Shengal come in parallel with the Turkish army's invasion offensive on the Medya Defense Zones, launched on 17 April. At the same time, the attacks on Rojava are escalating.