KDP builds a base for the Turkish army

The South Kurdistan Region flag was planted at a point where Turkish soldiers were shot by the guerrillas a short while ago, and the construction of a military base for the invaders began under its shadow.

The images sent to ANF show a military base under construction in the Amediye region of South Kurdistan.

For this base, the place is known as the Command Field on Amediye Hill and where the guerrillas are currently actively fighting has been determined.

The images show that the KDP has started to build a military base for the Turkish army and even planted the South Kurdistan Region flags on this hill.

At several points on the hill, the flags of the Federal Kurdistan Region and the walls that have been built stand out.

Speaking during the video shoot, journalist Kurtay Serhat said: "The KDP is building a base for the Turkish army under the shadow of the South Kurdistan flag."

Kurtay Serhat said that the Turkish army deployed soldiers here on the night of 4 July, and states that the guerrillas carried out an action here one day later, on 5 July.

Serhat showed the point where one of the flags was erected on the hill and said: "Here, where this flag is, Turkish soldiers became the target of the guerrillas. One soldier died and another was wounded."

While the KDP has been mobilizing for months to build military bases at the points occupied by the Turkish state, it has also been observed running to the aid of Turkish soldiers who have been hit by the guerrillas many times.