‘March for Democracy’ reaches Hakkari

Before the rally to be held in Hakkari against the usurpation of the municipality, the ‘March to Hakkari for Democracy’ continued on its third day.

The Hakkari Municipality won by the Peoples' Equality and Democracy Party (DEM Party) in the 31 March local elections was usurped by a government-appointed trustee on 3 June. Co-Mayor Mehmet Sıddık Akış, who was removed from office by the decision of the Turkish Ministry of Interior, was arrested with a prison sentence of 19 years and 6 months in a case that has been ongoing for 10 years.

A rally will be held in Hakkari on 13 June in protest at the usurpation of the municipality. The rally is organised by the Democratic Society Congress (DTK), Peoples‘ Democratic Congress (HDK), Democratic Regions Party (DBP), Free Women's Movement (TJA), Peoples’ Equality and Democracy Party (DEM Party), other components of the Labour and Freedom Alliance and NGOs under the motto “Municipalities belong to the people, we will not allow usurpation”.

The March for Democracy started in Şemdinli district on Monday and continued in Yüksekova and Çukurca districts and villages yesterday. The activists have reached Hakkari city center today. On the last day, after the visits in Çukurca and its villages, the Democracy March reached the centre of Hakkari. The Democratic Regions Party (DBP) Co-Chair Çiğdem Kılıçgün Uçar, MPs and people participated in the march.

Speaking during the visit to tradesmen in Çukurca district centre in the morning, Çiğdem Kılıçgün Uçar said, “We were here even before the establishment of the Republic of Turkey. Where we live with our culture and language, people are not allowed to run their municipalities. What harm is this to whom? They blame us, but the biggest culprit is the AKP-MHP government. None of our friends are guilty. The sentences given to us are a testament to the AKP's Kurdish question and denial.”

The activists then visited the villages of Serêspî, Dêra Mersa and Dizê. In every village visited, the people expressed that they would not accept the usurpation. The people vowed that they would protect their will and fight against the policies of denial.

The group will make a statement in the city centre today.