Martyr Mahmut Taş laid to rest in Urfa

The body of HPG guerrilla Mahmut Taş (Andok Sara), who fell a martyr in clashes with the Turkish army in Şirnak in 2019, was buried in Urfa.

Guerrilla Mahmut Taş fell a martyr with two of his comrades in the rural area of the village of Şivesor in Şırnak's Silopi district on 19 December 2019.

The body of HPG guerrilla Taş was taken from the Cemetery of the nameless in Şirnak on 15 December, after DNA testing.

The guerrilla’s body, which was brought to the Norçin District of the Bozova district of Urfa, was buried at the Neighbourhood Cemetery at night.

Turkish soldiers blockading the funeral ceremony did not allow anyone other than family members to attend the ceremony.

State forces did not allow condolences to the family to be accepted after the burial.