Municipality worker heavily wounded by state forces in Cizre

In Cizre district of Şırnak where a state of siege is getting severer, yet another civilian was shot by state forces.

In Cizre district of Şırnak where a state of siege is getting severer, yet another civilian was shot by state forces.

İrfan Uysal, a worker at Cizre Municipality, was shot by special operation police in Nur neighborhood where he had just arrived for a water valve work. Uysal has been taken under treatment at Cizre State Hospital.

Earlier today, 75-year-old Osman Emcür was also shot by special operation police outside his house in Cudi neighborhood. The man is being treated by people themselves for state forces deny access to ambulances into the areas under attack.

As attacks by Turkish police and military forces are going on, popular resistance also continues.