Peshmerga commander Şaklaweyi dies in Xurmatu

Peshmerga commander Sirwan Şaklaweyi and peshmerga Rayid Ebdullah Kasım died during the on-going clashes in Xurmatu. 10 Hashd al-Shaabi militias died and another 15 were injured during the clashes.

Peshmerga commander Sirwan Şaklaweyi and peshmerga Rayid Ebdullah Kasım died during the on-going clashes in Xurmatu. 10 Hashd al-Shaabi militias died and another 15 were injured during the clashes.

Peshmerga forces took control of Rızgari neighborhood, where the clashes had begun. Clashes currently take place near Xurmatu hospital, KDP district building, and the region where the YNK Party Committee is located. Peshmergas, YNK-affiliated Hêzên Reş forces and civilians fight together against Hashd al-Shaabi militias.

Local sources state that peshmerga forces from the 16th Batallion encircled Izem’li district and prevented the passage of Hashd al-Shaabi militias from Izem’li to Xurmatu.

The clashes broke out last night when Hashd al-Shaabi militias threw hand grenades at a location where peshmerga commander Goran Gewher was located.
