PUK: KDP's betrayal 28 years ago has turned into a deep wound

The PUK Politburo made a statement on the anniversary of the Baathist army's occupation of Hewlêr 28 years ago at the request of the KDP, stating that "this betrayal has turned into a deep wound."

The Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) Politburo made a written statement on the anniversary of the KDP’s occupation of Hewlêr (Erbil) on 31 August 28 years ago in agreement with the Baath regime.

“28 years ago, the Baath army occupied Hewlêr upon the official request of KDP. This betrayal turned into a deep wound for Kurds,” said the PUK statement on Friday.

‘The betrayal of 31 August is a symbol of political and national shame. However, this betrayal continues to be defended without any shame,” the statement said.

The PUK Politburo added: “Although 28 years have passed, the wounds of this betrayal have still not healed. The political, social, economic and cultural effects of this betrayal are still continuing. On the other hand, the wrong politics of the KDP continues to repeat itself.”