Racist military siege in Lice

The Turkish military has besieged the villages Çemê Elika and Xiraba in Licê. The mosque, a school and the funeral home were converted into bases. From armored car speakers racist songs are heard, whereabouts of two women unknown.

The military operations of the Turkish army, launched last Monday in the countryside of Lice district in Amed (Diyarbakır), continue. The air-supported operation, which initially included the settlement areas Kormik (Yünlüce), Barav (Baharlar) and Mizag (Kılıçlı), is also participated by special units of the Turkish police (Polis Özel Harekat, PÖH) and gendarmerie (Jandarma Özel Harekat, JÖH). On Thursday, the governorate imposed a curfew on a total of 65 villages and hamlets in Lice and the neighboring district of Hani, on Friday, the operation area was extended. All roads leading to the affected areas are blocked.

Since yesterday, the Turkish army has besieged the villages of Şenlik (Xiraba) and Birlik (Çemê Elika) in Lice. A resident told that the Turkish military forces had converted the village mosque, the funeral home and a school into bases in Birlik village.

Turkish flags have been attached to the buildings and racist Turkish songs are played on loudspeakers of armored vehicles. As ANF learned, almost 40 residents have been detained so far, including women and children. Some who have been released denounce torture by the soldiers. There are still intense military movements in the region, and military forces have set fire to crops of the local people.

During the raids in the village of Şenlik, two women Tuba Nergiz and Aysel Nergiz were arrested and where they were taken is not known. In addition, local people are insulted and threatened by the operations units. "The inhabitants of the villages are in a very serious situation. The military has occupied the region, everyone is insulted and threatened. We are in dire straits and need help," says the resident of Birlik village.