Religious school opens for Shengal's children rescued from ISIS

A religious school has been opened in Shengal for Yazidi children rescued from ISIS gangs. The children will learn how to read and write, and about the Yazidi faith.

A religious school has been opened in Shengal for children aged 6 to 18 who have been rescued from ISIS gangs. The school will teach how to read and write, and the Yazidi faith.

The school will be open two days a week, Saturdays and Mondays, and will have 153 students, who will also receive special psychological support.

Teacher Shiyar Hesen spoke about the school and said it was opened as part of the Qaniya Spi School. Hesen said ISIS gangs imposed harmful ideas on the children: “We want to save the children from these ideas. We are working to increase the number of these schools.”

Student Semer Mamî said they learn about the Yazidi faith in the school and added that their goal is to know their religion better.