SES Ağrı Branch Co-chair faces 10 year prison sentence

SES Ağrı Branch Co-chair Recep Altndağ received a sentence of 10 years on accusations of “membership to a terrorist organisation”.

Health and Social Services Workers Union (SES) Ağrı Branch Co-chair Recep Altındağ and SES member Mehmet Said Doğan appeared before the verdict hearing of the Doğubeyazıt Criminal Court. Altındağ received a 10 year prison sentence and Doğan 6.

The lawyers say they will appeal. Altındağ had been detained on his way back from the “Peace Tent” put up in Doğubeyazıt but later he was released. Doğubeyazıt District Governorate launched an inquiry on him after he was released and he was removed from office.