South Kurdish women gather in Sulaymaniyah to protest Turkish state's attacks

South Kurdish women gathered in Sulaymaniyah to protest the murder of Yusra Darwish, Lîman Shiwesh and Firat Tuma by the Turkish state.

Women from South Kurdistan came together in Azadi Park in Sulaymaniyah to protest the murder of Qamishlo Canton co-chair Yusra Darwish, her deputy Liman Shiwêsh and driver Fırat Tuma by a Turkish state's drone attacks on Northern and Eastern Syria on Tuesday.

The women unfurled a banner with the photos of the women martyrs.

Following a minute's silence, the women said in a statement: "Rojava's civil administrators and workers are being targeted while working for their people. We express our condolences to all freedom and peace-loving women, families of martyrs and all people of Kurdistan. Every attack against women harms the Kurdish people's liberation efforts.”

The women spoke of Liman Shiwesh, who had previously worked in South Kurdistan, with great affection. “Our friend Liman had a role in the fight against ISIS. She played a decisive role in starting the Rojava Revolution and establishing the Autonomous Administration.”

The statement added: “The enemies of freedom should know that Kurdish women no longer accept losses. We are ready to sacrifice our lives for victory. We promise to increase the struggle to make the dreams of our martyrs for the freedom of our people come true and to continue the struggle for women's freedom.”