Supported by the gendarmerie, village guards seize people's land in Urfa

In a village of Urfa, village guards seized land belonging to the people. Despite the objection of the villagers and the court decision, the village guards continue to use the land.

In the village of Karacaören in Bozova district of Urfa, village guards Fedil Çakmak, Şeydi Çakmak, Ramazan Kiraz, Fethi Özaydın and Ziya Güleç leased the treasury land used by the villagers from Urfa Provincial Directorate of Agriculture and Forestry for 2023-2024. Following an objection by the villagers, Urfa Governorate suspended the leasing process. Despite the decision, the village guards continue to use the 950 decares of land in question. The village guards get strength from their relative, Mehmet Çakmak, who is the chief village guard at Tutluca Gendarmerie Command. Mehmet Çakmak threatens to detain the villagers.

In a quarrel 33 years ago over the land seized by the village guards, the village guards had killed a person with a gun given by the state. The villagers' application to the Provincial Gendarmerie Command on the issue remained inconclusive. The villagers' concerns over possible ‘bloodshed’ were met with the reply “You are threatening the gendarmerie, we will take you away”. Despite all the efforts of the villagers and the decision of the Governorate, the village guards continue to use the treasury land.