Tevgera Azadi member jailed in Hewlêr on hunger strike

Tevgera Azadi member, Idris Selim Mihemed, was imprisoned by the KDP public security forces 118 days ago. Mihemed has been on hunger strike for 32 days against this unlawful arrest.

Idris Selim Mihemed was detained by the KDP public security forces at the checkpoint at the entrance of Hewlêr where he was going from Maxmur refugees camp, on 8 May.

Mihemed has been in prison for 118 days. He is in poor health and has been on hunger strike for 32 days.

Tevgera Azadi Board Member Bêrivan Mihemed, speaking to Rojnews, said: "Many times we have contacted the Human Rights Commission of the Kurdistan Region Parliament regarding the detention situation of İdris Selim".

Mihemed added: "Nothing has been done. We visited the United Nations Human Rights Delegation and Xaça Sor in Sulaymaniyah. They said they would address the issue, but nothing has been done yet."