The ‘March to Hakkari for Democracy’ starts in Şemdinli

Before the rally to be held in Hakkari against the usurpation of the municipality, the 3-day ‘March to Hakkari for Democracy’ started in Şemdinli district.

The Hakkari Municipality won by the Peoples' Equality and Democracy Party (DEM Party) in the 31 March local elections was usurped by a government-appointed trustee on 3 June. Co-Mayor Mehmet Sıddık Akış, who was removed from office by the decision of the Turkish Ministry of Interior, was arrested with a prison sentence of 19 years and 6 months in a case that has been ongoing for 10 years.

A rally will be held in Hakkari on 13 June in protest at the usurpation of the municipality. The rally will be participated by masses from the districts, towns and villages of Hakkari under the motto ‘We are marching to Hakkari for democracy’. 

The Democracy March started in Şemdinli district today. A statement was made in the district centre for the march led by the Democratic Society Congress (DTK), Peoples‘ Democratic Congress (HDK), Democratic Regions Party (DBP), Free Women's Movement (TJA), Peoples’ Equality and Democracy Party (DEM Party), other components of the Labour and Freedom Alliance and NGOs. The demonstration in front of the DEM Party building was attended by many people as well as MPs. The activists wearing aprons with the slogans ‘No passage for the trustee!’ and ‘Em rê nadin Qeyûman’ started their march which will continue for 3 days and end in the centre of Hakkari.   

DEM Party Hakkari Provincial Co-Chair Hümeyra Armut invited all segments to the rally to be held on 13 June.

DEM Party MP Saruhan Oluç said: “This is a struggle for justice, freedom and democracy. This struggle continues everywhere. Our struggle against the usurpation of the people’s will and hostility against the Kurdish people continues. This is a struggle for democracy and democratisation. For 8 years, the trustee-loving government has been appointing trustees and the will of the people has been usurped. Trusteeship means plunder, theft and ignoring the will of the Kurdish people. We will never accept this. We will continue our struggle everywhere with determination. We are starting our march before the rally we will hold on 13 June. This struggle will continue. It will continue all over Kurdistan and Turkey. We will increase our struggle with everyone who does not kneel and has a conscience. We responded to this power at the ballot box, and we will respond to it on the streets."

The group taking part in the march will meet with the people in towns, villages and settlements along the route for 3 days. During the meetings, the destruction caused by the usurpers will be explained and the people will be invited to the 13 June rally. The group will visit some villages in Şemdinli and Yüksekova districts today. Tomorrow they will set off from Yüksekova and head to Çukurca district. They will arrive in the centre of Hakkari on 13 June when a rally will be held with the participation of the Democratic Society Congress (DTK), the Peoples' Democratic Congress (HDK), the Democratic Regions Party (DBP), the Free Women's Movement (TJA), DEM Party, Labour and Freedom Alliance, DEM Party components and Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs).